Tuesday, September 18, 2012

How my group organized the presentation

My native language is not English

           We are group presentation decided to narrow the topic that we chose English is not my native language. So we had too many of topics of grammar issues. Because we had struggle when we arrived to the US we don't know how to asked or we don't what to said, we were really bad in English, and most the hardest thinks was the grammar and academic world, but day after day we learn more and more, we started study English in the IEC and it was really good time and how they treat student to learn English it was really hard to learn new language, we had couple problem until today with English.
We had some difficulties with the basics of the English language such as finding the subjects and verbs of my sentences, overview of verb tenses in English, count and non-count nouns, phrases in sentences and some certain words in English, even though, there are some certain roles for each elements in English. However, we have been researching about our topic and what the difficulties that we faced once we started learn English. Even though, the LEO web site was too helpful for finding the most and common problems in English. I hope our personation will be good.    

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