Tuesday, October 9, 2012

1. The first book is U.S. Economy Policy Toward Africa. On page 15 the first sentence“For instance, the foreign aid appropriations legislation for 1991 declared in part that the purpose of DFA was” that had chosen by Loris Sengwiza.Herbst, Jeffrey Ira. U.S. Economy Policy Toward Africa. New York: COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS PRESS, 1992.
2. The second book is Solith The author is John C. Caldwell, 1960, made in the United States of America. A quote from the books is “Now with passports properly visited, with Yellow books officially stamped, we come to the actual planning of a trip to or through south Asia”.

3. The third is "Islam without fear" This book is about "the story of a group of centrist Islamist intellectuals who call themselves the "New Islamic Trend." On page 15 it says: "With exaggerated seriousness, the prominent Islamic columnist Ahmed Bahgat reports in al Ahram of August 13, 1995, on "breaking news" from the art world". I think that would be interesting book for muslim people.

4. The fourth book is "The Opium War 1840-1842" This book is about about history of China which was between 1840 and 1842. On page 15 it says: "The south China city of Canton lies in the latitude of Calcutta, Mecca, and Havana, on the left bank of the Canton River seventy-five miles from the sea." It is interesting to know the history of different countries, including China!

5. The fifth book is How to Talk Minnesotan. On page 15 the first sentence “Many cooks substitute pickled herring for the hamburger and use cearm of mushroom soup instead of Cheese Whiz as actopping” that chosen by Jonathan.Mohr, Howard. (August 4th, 1987). How To Talk Minnesotan: A visitor's Guide. New York, USA: Penguin Group

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