Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The books my classmates found.
Chen Ze Yu want learn more about the history of his home country. He studied in middle in his home country; he started to learn about the history about this. But during that time, he didn`t learn very well and make sense of the history about this. He just learned it for exams. After he graduated he hoped to know more about the history of his home country, especially this book include. As he was starting to see this book, he found this book only has one author called Peter Ward Fay and the title of this book is “The Opium War”. It`s about an important history in China during 1840 to 1842. After he turned to the next page, he saw the University of North Carolina Press printed this book and this book was printed in Chapel Hill in 1975. 

Almuhannad Aljahdali selected this book about “SLAM!” because basketball was favorite sport to him. However, sports are the main thing of his life so we can’t be healthy without sport. He was scamming the book and how this was invented in past 30 years ago and the rules of the game and old names of these sports. he started his story “Basketball is my thing. I can hoop. Case closed”(1) and how he started his playing basketball. However this book was by Walter Dean and printed in U.S.A published by Scholastic press a division of Scholastic Inc since 1920.      

Mostafa Alsadaqi select that book because he enjoy reading about Mythologies of the World such as; Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome. The book has four authors. The authors name Michael McKenzie et al. The title of this book is Mythologies of the World. It was written for Transudation Limited by Bander Richardson White. It printed in Italy in 2001.

ShaoHua Sun a book he selected was going to introduce the different kinds of sharks. Moreover, it was   one of his interesting books. Furthermore, the book’s name was “Sharks, the super fish”. Authors are Helen Roney Sattler and Jean Day Zallinger. Also, they printed this book in New York 1986.

 Zhang, Enli wrote about the book called "Admiral of the pacific. However, he picked this book to explain in his blog. The book that he selects was called The Life of Yamamoto. The reason of the select this book is that he was interested in the history of Second Word War. Yamamoto was a famous man during the Second World War history, he select the history about him. He believes that he can study more information and details about Second World War from this book."The reference of his book: Potter, J.D. (1965). Admiral of the pacific, London, England: Cox & Wyman Ltd.

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